Дорогие студенты, с новым учебным годом, пусть новый учебный год станет для Вас успешным!
Уважаемые пользователи, сообщаем Вам, что Библиотека социальных и гуманитарных наук Taylor&Francis открыла тестовый доступ с 01.04- 30.04.2024.

Уважаемые пользователи научной библиотеки! ЭБС «Университетская библиотека онлайн» открыла бесплатный тестовый доступ к своим базам данных.

Opening of the library of the renewed Bretton Woods Foundation
Librarian`s day
A week of information and bibliographic classes in the scientific library
13-ші Еуразиялық академиялық кітапханалар конференциясы

Заявка на оцифровку литературы

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Terms of the library rules

1. General conditions

1.1. The library performs the functions of a scientific, informational, cultural and educational nature, provides educational, teaching, scientific and innovative activities at the university.

1.2. These Rules are developed in accordance with the Standard Regulations "On the Library of the Organization of Higher Professional Education", approved by the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated on August 17, 2000 N//827; The Regulations on the Library and the normative documents of the university.

1.3. The rules regulate the general procedure for organizing user services.

1.4. By using the services of the Library, the user agrees with these Rules and confirms that he is familiar with the Rights and obligations of users and the library.

2. The order of user registration in the Library

2.1. The users’ registration to the library is carried out by the university ID-card. The user needs to contact the librarians of the information services and service departmentto sign up.

2.2. First-year students, before receiving ID-cards, register with an identity cardwhen visiting the Library. It is necessary to register through the librarian and then use the ID-card throughout the entire period of studyafter receiving the ID-card.

2.3. The user is obliged to familiarize himself with these Terms of Use of the Library after registrationand strictly observe them.

3. Rules for using the subscription

3.1. On subscriptions, literature is let to be used at home.

3.2. The user presents an ID-card and fills out a formwhen the literature is ordered.

3.3. For receiving books and other materials from the library, the user is obliged to carefully review the publications. If any defects are found, the user need to inform the librarian about it, otherwise the user who used the last edition is responsible for damage of the publications.

3.4. The user receives literature for the study and learning for one semester or one academic year; scientific and literary books for a period of 15 days.

3.5. Encyclopedias, reference books, dissertations are issued only in reading rooms. If the necessary literature is not on the subscription, access to the materials can be obtained through the library website www: in the "Electronic catalogue" section.

3.6. The user is obliged to hand over the literature before July 31 and re-register or sign a registration sheet.

4. Rules for using the reading room

4.1. It is enough to present your ID-card to register the visitand to use the reading room.

4.2. Visitors are given the opportunity to work in open access mode in the fund of the reading roomIn the reading rooms of the hall. It allows them to find the necessary literatureindependently, view the publications available in the fund on topics of interest.

4.3. If the necessary literature is not in the reading room, the user can find it on the library website.

4.4. Books from the reading room can be handed out and issued through the "Night subscription" for up to three days.

4.5. The literatureis not handed out to the house that is available in a single copy, but the user can make a scanned copy, photocopies of the necessary pages through copiers or take pictures on mobile phones.

4.6. The reading room provides access to domestic and foreign newspapers, magazines, newsletters, etc. over the past 3 years. Previously published editions can be ordered from the Library.

5. Rules for the use of the dissertation hall

5.1. Work with dissertations is carried out only in the dissertation hall.

5.2. Teaching staff, researchers, PhD students, undergraduates, students use the dissertation resources free of charge.

5.3. Users use the dissertation fund on the basis of a special Letter of Petition signed by the Vice-Rector for Research outside the Library. The letter of application for the right to use the dissertation is valid for one academic year.

5.4. Responsibility for the correct use of dissertation materials lies with the reader and the supervisor who signs the letter of application.

5.5. Electronic versions of dissertations are available only for reading on the library website.

5.6. The library forms a collection of dissertations in the traditional (printed) and electronic form.

5.7. Authors pass to the library:

  • one copy of their dissertations in printed form;
  • an electronic version of thedissertation thesis on CDs / flash cards.

5.8. The library carries out scientific processing of the dissertation, enters data into the library reference and search resource.

5.9. Transfer of dissertations with corrections, defects, fuzzy printing, etc. is not allowedto the library.

6. Rules for the use of the Libraryelectronic room

6.1. The user just needs to present the ID-card to the librarianTo use the Library electronic room.

6.2. The electronic room provides access to Internet resources, subscription databases and electronic information resources of its own generation, as well as the ability to work with the software installed on computers for educational and scientific activities.

7. Rights and obligations of users and libraries

7.1. Library users have the right:

  • • to use the main types of provided library and information servicesfree of charge;
  • • to receive books and any other sources of information for temporary use on all library subscriptions;
  • • to receive complete information on the composition of the library resource through the electronic catalog and other forms of library information;
  • • to get recommendations in the search and selection of information sources.

7.2. Users are obliged to:

  • • learn and observe the rights and obligations of the Library user.
  • • hand over outerwear to the wardrobe, and leave large bags and backpacks in the storage room;
  • • present an ID-card in the halls and subscriptions of the Library to receive literature;
  • • when using personal media (disks), check them for viruses;
  • • treat books, other printed works, other library materials and library property with care;
  • • in case of damage to the property of the electronic library (equipment, appliances, furniture, etc.), compensate the full price at his own expense;
  • • return received publications on time or timely extend the use of books on subscriptions and reading rooms;
  • • in case of loss or damage to a library book - compensate for the damage caused by a similar book, or a publication recognized by the library as equivalent in the amount of “book for a book” or compensate its full priceto the university cashier;
  • • the user may be partially or completely limited access to the services of the Libraryin case of non-observance of the above rules;
  • • users who have violated the rules of use or caused damage to the Library will have administrative, civil (material) liability in the forms provided for by the current legislation and the Rules for using the library.

7.3. The user is prohibited from:

  • • using someone else's document to obtain literature; for using someone else's ID-card, the user is limited to access to the Library for 1 month;
  • • removing unregistered literature from the library;
  • • talking loudly, using the phone in sound mode, bringing food to the reading rooms;
  • • using scissors, razors in reading rooms, damaging library publications, make notes in them, underline, fold pages, cutting and tearing out sheets,damaginga document's RFID-tagged label, tracing drawings, maps, drawings; for damage to books, magazines and other publications (tearing out pages), the user is limited to access to the Library for up to three months;
  • • entering without permission to the office premises, to the auxiliary resources of the book depository;
  • • carrying out photo and taking video filming of the premises and materials of the library. Taking photo and video filming is carried out only with the permission of the library administration;
  • • smoking on the territory of the Library, obscene immoral behavior is also unacceptable.

8. Rights and obligations of the library

The library must:

  • • serve readers in accordance with the Regulations and the Ruleson the Library;
  • • inform users about all types of services provided;
  • • provide users with the opportunity to use all the library resource;
  • • popularize their resources and services, develop an interest in books;
  • • improve library and information services for users by introducing computerization and advanced technologies;
  • • create and maintain comfortable conditions for the work of users in the library;
  • • register, store and use the books, other printed works and other materials in the Library in accordance with the established rules;
  • • be responsible for the preservation of the Library resources, which are part of the national cultural heritage;
  • • do not allow restricting user access to documents stored in the library.

According to regulatory requirements, the Library has the right to hold cleaning days. Oncleaning days the library does nots erveusers.